Archive for July, 2009


Hello all, I’m happy to announce that a San Francisco division of the awesome Berlin art project Papergirl is FINALLY HERE!

NEW deadline for submissions is SEPTEMBER 18th, 2010

Keep in mind, all art pieces will be distributed by bicycle. So whatever is submitted must be flexible enough to be rolled up. There are no guidelines as to quantity or format: zines, prints, drawings, paintings, photos, textiles, stickers, writings, etc. are all welcome. Once you have finished creating your masterpiece|s they can be sent to:

Papergirl SF
PO Box 410156

If you would like your name or contact info to accompany your artwork at the show, on the roll bands, or on the website gallery,  please send it to us with your submission (name, website, contact etc.) Anonymous submissions are rad too!

To find out more, click on the About section.

This blog is just one step in establishing a Papergirl presence in the bay area (Website is next, look out, and join us on the FACEBOOK). My hope is this blog will be an easy and efficient way to keep participants up to date and provide an online “gallery” to showcase selected works as they come in. As we are in the early stages of development, we would love to extend an invitation to anyone who would be interested in helping make this wonderful art project happen, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you are! Happy art making and safe cycling everyone!

-the SF Papergirl team
